Women’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries have long been an integral part of our congregation’s ministry, offering a place for women at all stages of life to connect with one another through a variety of activities, small groups, and service to the local and global community.
Known by several names, this group has been serving the church since it was first organized as the Women’s Association on January 5, 1960, just a few short weeks after the church was established with a class of 224 charter members.
Current participants continue to serve the church and the community with the same adventurous spirit and creativity of its founders. Today, the organization hosts fellowship events, coordinates small groups, and organizes fundraisers to support mission projects and provide funding for the Marla Drury Memorial Scholarship.

Some of the favorite traditions are the Cookie Walk and Savory Soup sale in December and Chicken Pot Pie sale in January, the largest fundraisers of the organization.
Many hands are needed and welcome to help bake for these community-wide and highly anticipated events. All proceeds go to mission!
Inspired by the positive and generous spirit that radiated through Marla’s service to the church as a volunteer, and her passionate service and leadership in the community Director of Development and Community Outreach of Morristown Soup Kitchen (now nourish.NJ), Women’s Ministries established the Marla Drury Memorial Scholarship after her passing and annually recognizes a member of the congregation who is a high school senior or college student, and exemplifies the same generous, giving spirit to the community as Marla so graciously did. Anyone wishing to contribute to the scholarship fund, please make checks payable to PCCT, with MDMS noted in the memo line. Applications are available in the church office in May of each year or by clicking HERE.

Please see the Adult Ministries page for information about A New Day, Next Act and the Prayer Shawl Ministry
Might it fit under the category of “Women’s Ministries”? We can help you get started by providing leadership training, resources and help with publicity.