Give to the Church
Your support helps us to continue and expand our ministry, mission and programs touching lives in our church and beyond our walls.
Capital Campaign
PCCT welcomes over 40,000 visits each year. We’re investing in critical updates to our church building to ensure PCCT remains a safe, welcoming, and functional space for worship and community gatherings. Your financial support will help make a lasting impact for future generations.
Stewardship is supporting something that you care strongly about. It is a way for us to give of our time, talents, and treasures. By making a pledged financial gift to PCCT, it allows the church to plan for its financial obligations, like the excellent staff this congregation enjoys, the wonderful facilities that support ministries in and for the community, and the robust programming available to all throughout the year.
Other Ways to Give to PCCT
Apportionment, also known as Per Capita, is a fundamental way in which all of the nearly 10,000 congregations and leadership of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) connect, participate and share equitably in the work of the wider church.

In essence, per capita is a set amount of money per member that congregations contribute to the Presbyterian denomination, which in turn provides support, resources, and guidance to each congregation. Every Presbyterian shares in the benefit of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s system of government, so every Presbyterian is asked to share the expenses associated with coordinating and performing the functions of that system.
Apportionment helps provide support and resources from the larger denomination to congregations like PCCT. It enables leaders to maintain records and assure responsibility and compliance alongside the broader Body of Christ and Presbyterian Church (USA). Per Capita dollars support church leadership development and provide for staff support, resources and workshops that prepare church leadership for the present and future ministries of the church.
Moreover, and specific to PCCT, per capita apportionment pays for the guidance and resources provided to churches like ours going through transitions. The Presbytery of the Highlands was instrumental in the Interim Minister search process, and will continue to be a vital resource for our search for a new pastor. We would not be where we are today in the process if it were not for the support of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
At PCCT, the total per capita for 2023 is $42.50 per active member. This includes all confirmed youth and older. Of this total:
- $28.55 goes to the Presbytery of the Highlands which encompasses Hunterdon, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren Counties and represents over 80 congregations including PCCT.
- $4.10 goes to the Synod of the Northeast, which consists of presbyteries across New York, New Jersey, and New England.
- $9.85 goes to the Office of General Assembly, which supports our Synods, Presbyteries, Historical Society, and over 10,000 congregations.
PCCT is required to pay per capita apportionment for each of its members, regardless if the members contribute or not. So, when you pay your share, it frees up funds in our budget for other uses.
Won’t you also please consider paying for one more share to cover those in our congregation who might be having financial difficulties? By adding just one more apportionment, we can carry the per capita for those in need and can truly act as one body in Christ rather than the sum of its parts.
Payments can be made online, via check mailed to the office, or text “GIVE” to 973-524-7580. After setting up an account, you can specify the amount you wish to give. Thank you!!
For more information, please read An Invitation to Per Capita from our presbytery’s website.
“In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other.” – Romans 12:5 Common English Bible (CEB)
Will Power
If it’s time to update, revise or write your first will, it might also be a good time to remember PCCT. Your planned gift is an enduring legacy that helps ensure these types of experiences for future generations at the Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township.
The easiest and most common way of making a planned gift is through a bequest in your will.
You can:
- Designate a specific amount of money
- Assign a percentage of your estate
- Name a specific asset
- Name PCCT as a contingent beneficiary.
Making a charitable bequest gives witness to your faith and values while providing resources for the congregation’s ongoing ministry.
PCCT recommends your bequest be designated for our Endowment Fund. Established in 1996, the Endowment Fund guidelines allow that the principal be invested while earnings support each year’s programs and missions. The goal is that the principal will generate income for generations to come.
Other giving opportunities:
- Life income gifts
- Life insurance
- A life estate
- Securities
- Gifting from your IRA
Please consult your financial or legal professional for advice.
For general questions, contact the church office.,
Gifting Stock Transfer Instructions
Securities and mutual funds are one of the more effective assets to use when making a gift to the Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township.
Making a gift of securities or mutual funds to us offers you the chance to support our mission work while realizing important benefits for yourself.
Please click the button below to download the instructions.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting non-profit organizations. Individuals can contribute cash, stocks, or other assets into the DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction. Those funds are invested for tax-free growth and the individual can recommend donations to charities of their choice over time.
You can support PCCT by directing gifts through your donor-advised fund (DAF). Please go directly to your DAF’s website and select The Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township as the charity of choice when directing a donation.