Youth Ministries
Believing that young people are essential to a vibrant and growing church, PCCT offers a variety of programs for youth in their teen and pre-teen years that encourage faith formation through learning, service and fellowship.
Breakfast Club is our Sunday morning educational program for 6th – 8th grade youth. Middle Schoolers start in worship, then are invited to the Youth Café.
Participants can grab something to eat and catch up with friends before the group begins their discussion. Breakfast Club offers a relational, discussion-based format that focuses on the meaning behind scripture texts and applies them to modern life.
Middle School Youth Fellowship is open to all 6th – 8th graders. This group meets about twice a month on Sunday evenings for fun and inspiration.
Friends are welcome, dinner is often served, and there’s always something great going on! Past events include an A-Z Scavenger Hunt in downtown Madison, Fast Food Frenzy, and Pack the Place night with the world’s largest ice cream sundae. Come and find out for yourself.

Confirmation at PCCT is a nine-month program of learning, service, and participation in the worshiping life of our congregation. Participants typically are in the ninth grade and attend Sunday morning classes two to three times per month, attend retreats, complete a total of 10 service hours, and write a statement of faith at the end of the year.
The Confirmation program is designed to prepare young people to become adult members of the church; enable them to make a public profession of faith; and invite them to complete the vows made by their parents at the time of their baptisms.

Youth-led, and coordinated by Pastor Tom, our senior high youth group provides a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere for 10th -12th graders.
Past events have included a progressive dinner, game night at church, and trip to the Madison Escape Room (we made it out!). Take a break from the stresses of high school and join us for lots of fun with a great bunch of people! Friends are always welcome as are your ideas – just let us know!

Youth mission trips provide students with formative experiences as they serve others through manual labor and live as part of an intentional Christian community for the week. Recent trips have been to Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina, with a focus on home repair and disaster recovery.
Trips are open to youth completing grades 9-12 in the year they attend and are typically held the first full week after Chatham High School lets out for the summer. Specific dates are announced each fall, with registration opening mid-January.
Middle School
High School