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Our music ministry features multi-generational choral and instrumental musicians in an encouraging and uplifting environment. Sharing their musical offerings each Sunday enriches our worship experience and brings us more closely into the presence of God.


Sanctuary Ringers

This five-octave handbell ensemble is open to new and experienced ringers, high school through adult. Handbells are a great introduction to music for those who have never been part of an organized choir. Contact Matt Zabiegala for more information.

Rehearsal Times

Thursdays (6:45 – 7:45 pm)

in the Sanctuary

Children & youth Music

Children’s Music at PCCT fosters education, worship, and fellowship for our vibrant children’s population and adult parishioners alike. Children’s Music plays an integral role in many of the happenings at PCCT.

No experience needed for any musical ensemble – our Director of Children’s Music,  will instill a love of music in your children while teaching them the basics of singing and ringing. Kids are also welcome to join for only part of the year (e.g. Christmas/Easter) if they can’t commit to a full year. Please contact the  church for more information.

Contact Our Children’s Music Director

Chancel Choir

This four-part chorus provides weekly worship support and welcomes new members of all musical abilities! The choir also presents special music programs, including our annual Lessons & Carols Service.

The Chancel Choir is led by our Director of Music, Matt Zabiegala, and is open to high school youth and adults of all ages.

Rehearsal Times

7:45 – 9:00pm
in the Sanctuary