Life Events & Transitions
Our lives intersect with the church as we reach significant milestones and at important points of transition. The church provides support for and celebrates with members of the community and congregation alike during such times.
The sacrament of Baptism is a sign and seal of God’s creative, redemptive and renewing work; a tangible expression of an invisible grace. In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), both adults and children are baptized during a service of public worship. Parents, or those with parental responsibility, who belong to a Christian church may present their children for Baptism.

Confirmation is a nine-month program of learning, service, and participation in the worshipping life of our congregation, designed to prepare young people to become adult members of the church; enable them to make a public profession of faith; and invite them to complete the vows made by their parents at the time of their baptisms.
We celebrate your decision to be married. A minister along with our church staff and wedding committee looks forward to working with you to plan one of the most important moments of your life. Wedding preparation includes both service planning and pre-marital counseling. Weddings are approved for Church members and their children/relatives.

The church provides funerals, memorial and committal services for members and their immediate families, as well as friends of our faith community. These services praise God for the gift of life, witness to our trust in eternal life in Jesus Christ, remember and celebrate the life of the departed, and minister to the bereaved.
The Memorial Garden was established in 1965 for the repository of cremation ashes as a loving and living remembrance of church members who have died. Located inside the narthex of the church are bronze memorial plaques upon which are installed nameplates of those whose ashes have been interred in the Memorial Garden.