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Join the Church

Anyone who seeks connection with Jesus Christ can be a member at PCCT.


When you join the Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township, you will be welcomed into a strong, caring community of faith. Simply put:

  • Membership means getting more deeply engaged with the diverse ministries of the church and more deeply rooted in a life of faith.
  • In the Presbyterian denomination, members have a voice in choosing the leaders of the congregation and setting the direction of the church.
  • Members pledge their support to the future of the church through our annual Stewardship campaign and by giving of their time, talent and resources.

There are many benefits to membership and even more ways to get involved!

To learn more about becoming a member, please contact us.

New Member Classes

Prospective members will meet with the Pastors and  learn about what makes Presbyterians unique, find out more about our congregation and ways to get involved, and have the opportunity to make connections with other members of our community. Childcare is available for all classes.

Following the classes, you will be formally welcomed as a member of the congregation during a worship service where you will affirm your faith.