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Holidays & Special Services

The life of Jesus comes full circle during the church year, beginning with the weeks leading up to Christmas and throughout Holy Week, Easter, and the months that follow. Some of our most treasured traditions revolve around these special seasons and reflect the centrality of Christ’s birth, death, resurrection to our Christian faith.


Meaning coming or arrival, Advent invites us to pause in anticipation of the coming celebration of Jesus’ birth, and to reflect on our own expectant hope for a world where God’s justice prevails and peace is established once and for all. As the weeks of Advent progress, the focus shifts to thanks and praise for the birth of the one who has already come – Jesus Christ our Savior.


In the upper lobby of the back entrance to PCCT, Christmas Trees are adorned with ornament tags representing families or individuals who are in need. 

Members are encouraged to take a tag, buy the requested item, and bring it back under the tree to help make Christmas even brighter for individuals and families in our community.


One each of the four Sundays in Advent, a family or fellowship group leads a brief litany with scripture and prayer as they light the Advent candles, reminding us the waiting is not yet over and Christ is on his way.


This delectable Christmas tradition is held on the second Saturday of December. Fill a box or can with cookies and purchase homemade frozen soup by the quart. 

All proceeds go to support PPCT’s mission outreach. This event is coordinated by Women’s Ministries.


Held the Sunday before Christmas, Lessons & Carols is a special worship service blending music and scripture. 

Led by members of all ages, and featuring all PCCT music groups, this is a delightful all-ages celebration of the coming Christ.

Christmas eve

With song, prayer and candlelight, we celebrate Jesus’ arrival on earth.  Messages of joy resound with beautiful music and culminate with the lighting of candles and singing of Silent Night.

Lent & holy week

“Lent” comes from an old English word for springtime, perhaps connected with the lengthening of days around this time of year. The season of Lent is a time for growth in faith, through prayer and self-examination, as we prepare to commemorate the dying and rising of Jesus.


Taking its name from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, when the people lined his path with Palm branches, this Sunday before Easter marks the beginning of Holy Week. 

We commemorate this day with traditional hymns and procession of palms.


Maundy Thursday takes us to the night of the Last Supper, when Jesus proclaimed a new commandment that we are to love one another as he has loved us. We share communion together, remembering Christ’s example of humble service and self-offering.


On perhaps the most solemn day of the church year, we gather in the sanctuary to remember and give thanks for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.  We commemorate this time with a service of Tenebrae, as a series of candles are slowly extinguished while passages of scripture are read detailing the final words of Jesus.


Celebrate the joy of the resurrection with us on Easter. The sanctuary is filled with flowers and beautiful music from our chancel choir and special quests including brass and tympani. A message of hope is delivered by the Rev. Thomas A. Brown, our Pastor.

Easter is the one Sunday when we have two services, traditionally at 9 and 11 am. The first is livestreamed and available for later viewing. 

An Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn directly follows the 11 am service, weather permitting.

service of remembrance

Hosted by the Board of Deacons, this contemplative candlelight service invites worshippers to remember the people, places, and experiences that have shaped their lives. Candles are lit to remember loved ones as participants invoke the love and presence of God which remain constant during the joys and sorrows of the holiday season.

Additional support and time for prayer will be available following the worship service for those who are grieving loved ones no longer with us. All are welcome and invited to join.

The Service of Remembrance is held in November each year.