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Elders provide the leadership and oversight of all areas of church life. Together, they form the governing body known as Session, which includes the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor.

Christian Education

Lauren Magill (Chair)
Lisa Boles

Development & Communications

Carlene Pruitt (Chair)
Carolyn Smith


Rob Eisenhardt (Co-Chair)
Frank Medina (Co-Chair)

Finance & Operations

Jamie Wilson (Chair)
John McCann


Julie Bliemel (Chair)
Dave Whitman

Mission & Outreach

George Shepherd (Chair)
Mark Skinner


Sarah Murchison (Chair)
Kathy Hoffman

Nominating Committee

Jenee Moore
Cindy Wilson
Carl Woodward
Doug Zehner

Worship & Music

Ellen Dinneen (Chair)
Lucy Deutsch

Clerk of Session

Mike Kmiecik