Committees are the heart and soul of our mission and ministry. Members’ creative energy and caring spirits bring our mission and vision to life. Volunteering on a committee is also a great way to meet others and get involved in the community.
Julie Bliemel & Dave Whitman
Oversees classes for new members, maintains fellowship pads to track/welcome visitors, coordinates coffee & fellowship time, arranges roses to celebrate babies, keeps church rolls up to date & produces church’s picture directory.
Mission & Outreach
George Shepherd & Mark Skinner
Mission & Outreach
Oversees disbursement of PCCT’s mission dollars. Informs congregation of needs & presents opportunities to help others (Pumpkin Patch, Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise, Harvest Festival, etc).
Worship & Music
Ellen Dinneen & Lucy Deutsch
Worship & Music
Responsible for worship, PCCT’s diverse music program and for sacraments. This committee works closely with the pastors and our music department.
Sarah Murchison & Kathy Hoffman
Recommends personnel policies to Session, administers employee benefit programs, liaison for each employee, reviews staff compensations, coordinates performance reviews & assists Session committees in hiring lay staff members.
Christian Education
Lauren Magill & Lisa Boles
Christian Education
Oversees Church School and nursery care, children’s weekday programs, Confirmation Class, Junior High and Senior High Fellowships, and adult education opportunities.
Development & Communications
Carlene Pruitt & Carolyn Smith
Responsible for how the church communicates its ministry and message within and outside of the church. Oversees the website, communications within the church, communications outside of the church, publicity, and the long-range planning for communications.
Rob Eisenhardt & Frank Medina
Provides for ministries, programs & experiences for all generations. Plans social events and programs, and plays an integral part in hosting traditional annual events including Welcome Back Sunday, Night at the Patch, and the Easter Egg Hunt.
Finance & Operations
Jamie Wilson & John McCann
Finance & Operations
Responsible for maintaining PCCT’s buildings and grounds. It also develops the budget and oversees the church’s financial functions.
Looking for more information?
Fill out our contact form to be put in touch with one of our committee moderators.