Children & Family Ministries
There is no greater privilege – or responsibility – we have as a church than to help families navigate life’s challenges. Through our mutual support of one another, we grow in our faith and find creative ways to pass it on to the next generation.

Our combined Nursery and Pre-K class is available each Sunday throughout the program year for infants, toddlers and children not yet in Kindergarten. The Nursery is generally open by 9:45 am so parents may drop off their youngest children before heading upstairs for worship. Our Nursery is staffed by a professional childcare provider with additional help from church volunteers when needed. In addition to active play, short and simple lessons are provided for Pre-K aged children.
For children in K – 5th grade, Sunday mornings start out in worship where they are invited to come forward for a “Message for All God’s Children.” On most Sundays, they will go to their classes by about 10:15 am, accompanied by a teacher or assistant. Through hands-on learning, games, activities and small group discussions, our FaithWeaver NOW curriculum provides elementary age children with opportunities to grow in their faith. Each fall, a Communion Celebration class invites children to learn more about the sacrament. Engraved Bibles are given to third graders at the beginning of the program year and are available upon request for any child who does not have one.
The church sponsors a variety of special events throughout the year designed specifically for children and families. Past events have included a Grandparents Night, Taco Dinner and Movie Nights. Be sure to check the church calendar for dates and other important information.
This “closed” Facebook group is accessible exclusively to church members and parents of children active in our church school programs. PCCT Parents will be an interactive forum where all members can post articles, share thoughts, ask questions and just stay connected as a community outside of the church walls. Click here to join today!